Seguinte, eu tenho um sv RPG pequeno.. pq n vem mt player dai do nada tinha 4 player on e o Theus_Crazzy Logo, e ele nem era ADM nada.. dai ele me tiro da ADM,tiro geral da adm, e baniu todo mundo...
Prova do Chatlog da Host:
[18:54:49] Incoming connection:
[18:54:50] [join] Pudin_DeLeite has joined the server (4:
[18:55:11] Pudin_DeLeite has logged in.
[18:55:12] [death] Pudin_DeLeite died 255
[18:55:16] Socio Pinguin_Terrorista: eu nao vou conseguir fechar os contratos algemado ..
[18:55:21] [chat] [DiDi_FuriousS]: pera
[18:55:25] ADMIN CMD: Theus_Crazzy has promoted DiDi_FuriousS to a level 0 admin.
[18:55:26] [part] Pudin_DeLeite has left the server (4:1)
[18:55:27] Socio Pinguin_Terrorista: esse pudin do skype tbm?
[18:55:30] ADMIN CMD: Theus_Crazzy has promoted Pinguin_Terrorista to a level 0 admin.
[18:55:32] [chat] [DiDi_FuriousS]: n
[18:55:33] ADMIN CMD: Theus_Crazzy has promoted Tempest_xD to a level 0 admin.
[18:55:36] [part] DiDi_FuriousS has left the server (1:2)
[18:55:39] [part] Tempest_xD has left the server (3:2)
[18:55:44] [part] Pinguin_Terrorista has left the server (2:2)
[18:55:47] [part] Theus_Crazzy has left the server (0:1)
[18:57:04] Incoming connection:
[18:57:05] [join] Terrorista_Pinguin has joined the server (0:
[18:57:13] [part] Terrorista_Pinguin has left the server (0:2)
aff cara chato, agente é amigo, ele tem o sv dele q ta sempre com bastante player e agora ele quer fazer essas mancada com o meu sv? affs vsf
Prova do Chatlog da Host:
[18:54:49] Incoming connection:
[18:54:50] [join] Pudin_DeLeite has joined the server (4:
[18:55:11] Pudin_DeLeite has logged in.
[18:55:12] [death] Pudin_DeLeite died 255
[18:55:16] Socio Pinguin_Terrorista: eu nao vou conseguir fechar os contratos algemado ..
[18:55:21] [chat] [DiDi_FuriousS]: pera
[18:55:25] ADMIN CMD: Theus_Crazzy has promoted DiDi_FuriousS to a level 0 admin.
[18:55:26] [part] Pudin_DeLeite has left the server (4:1)
[18:55:27] Socio Pinguin_Terrorista: esse pudin do skype tbm?
[18:55:30] ADMIN CMD: Theus_Crazzy has promoted Pinguin_Terrorista to a level 0 admin.
[18:55:32] [chat] [DiDi_FuriousS]: n
[18:55:33] ADMIN CMD: Theus_Crazzy has promoted Tempest_xD to a level 0 admin.
[18:55:36] [part] DiDi_FuriousS has left the server (1:2)
[18:55:39] [part] Tempest_xD has left the server (3:2)
[18:55:44] [part] Pinguin_Terrorista has left the server (2:2)
[18:55:47] [part] Theus_Crazzy has left the server (0:1)
[18:57:04] Incoming connection:
[18:57:05] [join] Terrorista_Pinguin has joined the server (0:
[18:57:13] [part] Terrorista_Pinguin has left the server (0:2)
aff cara chato, agente é amigo, ele tem o sv dele q ta sempre com bastante player e agora ele quer fazer essas mancada com o meu sv? affs vsf